This site is no longer maintained

This is the documentation for version 0 of the design system and will no longer be updated. Please see the new Design System site on for the most up-to-date documentation.

Alpha NICE Design System is in development. This means it is not feature complete and there may be issues. Find any? Please, let us know!

Once you’ve mastered the foundations, these components are further patterns for building user interfaces

Action banner

Banner for highlighting, and giving context to, a call-to-action

Alpha & Beta

Alpha and beta beta banners clearly identify non-live services


A breadcrumb trail is a secondary navigation, that displays as a series of links, situated below the header.


A flexible component for displaying an item like news or guidance within a list


Introduce a site or sub-site with impact

In page nav

Allows users to navigate to specific sections, within long pages of content, across any screen size.

Maintain ratio

Embed media and maintain an aspect ratio across devices

Page header

Main heading and intro copy to introduce a page


Blocks to highlight or separate content

Stacked navigation

Navigation to support sub-pages within a section


Content is separated into different panes, with only one pane viewable at a time


Tag component used for labelling items in a list

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