Guidance for writing your own review
Your personal development plan is yours to own, not your managers. It should capture your career ambitions and personal goals, in the context of the goals we have to achieve as an organisation over the next 12 months.
How to prepare for your own development review
- A week before - if you want 360 feedback, send 360 feedback survey to your colleagues. Make a copy of this 360 feedback MS forms template by clicking the duplicate button. Then share with the people you work closely with. Do this first so that people have time to provide feedback (give them a week before your review if you can). Multiple perspectives are more useful than one perspective. You should be seeking feedback from your manager and some of the people that you’ve worked with, including from people working in related disciplines. Open and direct peer feedback is encouraged but there is also an option to provide confidential feedback via a line manager, should there be a need. Feedback is captured anonymously by default.
- Follow guidance to create your appraisal in ESR See the learning hub page Preparing for your appraisal conversation.
A few days before the meeting
- Share your development plan form (and any 360 feedback if you like) with your manager in advance of your development review meeting. This will help them to review it and think about any feedback or suggestions they may have too.
What to do at the meeting
- Talk through your development plan with your manager, they may make suggestions on your objectives.
What to do after the meeting
- Check that you are happy with your development plan, if not, continue discussions with your manager
What NOT to do with your development review
- Don’t turn up to the meeting with an empty form. It’s important that you have a go at filling it in as it’s your plan. But any questions feel free to ask questions in advance
- To get the most value from this process, its recommended that you have quarterly reviews with your line manager about progress with your objectives
Quarterly month reviews
- It’s advised to have a conversation about your development plan with your line manager every 3 months going forward to ensure a regular conversation happens and you get the opportunities and support you need. This can just be at a regular 1-1.